Canine CoV-II (CCoV-II) appears to have evolved from recombination events between CCoV-I and an unknown CCoV, resulting in the progressive loss of orf3 in the CCoV-II genome [15,94]

Canine CoV-II (CCoV-II) appears to have evolved from recombination events between CCoV-I and an unknown CCoV, resulting in the progressive loss of orf3 in the…


pp. exams de provocation allergnique ont volu en Mouse monoclonal antibody to ACSBG2. The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the SWI/SNF…


N. dengue disease IgM screening. For both assays, indices of 0.90 were considered negative, indices from 0.90 to 1 1.10 were considered equivocal, and indices…


2019. of relatively simple and rapid procedures, although some of these methods, mainly due to costs, lack accessibility in low-socioeconomic regions of endemicity. New immunological…