Examples of antibodies associated with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis include Hu (ANNA-1), Ma2, CV2/CRMP5, AMPA receptor, GABAB, GluR5, and NMDA receptor

Examples of antibodies associated with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis include Hu (ANNA-1), Ma2, CV2/CRMP5, AMPA receptor, GABAB, GluR5, and NMDA receptor.4, 5 GABABR antibodyCassociated encephalitis was…

Reynolds for the precise reasons of patient-derived cell series and xenograft establishment (The COG repository for cell lines and xenografts: www

Reynolds for the precise reasons of patient-derived cell series and xenograft establishment (The COG repository for cell lines and xenografts: www.CCcells.org). MAPKAPK2 (MK2). OCT4 phosphorylation…

Further, treatment of mice with acetaminophen-induced severe liver damage by ROS-responsive and ROS-eliminating TPCD nanoparticles in 1 mg/kg significantly reduced the degrees of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), compared to the magic size group treated with saline

Further, treatment of mice with acetaminophen-induced severe liver damage by ROS-responsive and ROS-eliminating TPCD nanoparticles in 1 mg/kg significantly reduced the degrees of serum alanine…

The mix of a LCCMS glycosylation profiling and CART analysis within this study offers a rapid and robust analysis of serum IgG Fc-glycosylation as promising differential diagnostic biomarkers in pancreatic disease for clinical application

The mix of a LCCMS glycosylation profiling and CART analysis within this study offers a rapid and robust analysis of serum IgG Fc-glycosylation as promising…


915C958. with VZV IgG results were calculated for elementary and college students separately. RESULTS Of the 36 elementary colleges in Tutuila Island, students in 27…