CA Malignancy J Clin. we recognized that USP21 could stabilize EZH2, a protein required for germinal center formation and lymphoma formation. Summary The deubiquitinase USP21 promotes cell proliferation by keeping the EZH2 protein level in DLBCL. test. The data were displayed as the mean??SEM, and the difference was considered significant at *p?p?p?p?p?Alfacalcidol-D6 Western blots display USP21 protein manifestation in SU\DHL\4 cells after transfection with control or USP21 siRNAs for 48?h. (B) Cell proliferation of SU\DHL\4 cells transfected with USP21 siRNA were measured by CCK8 assay. The siRNA was scaled down to siUSP21#1 only. (C) Representative images of Propidium Iodide (PI)\positive cells (Red) representing deceased cells and DIC representing total cells. Level pub, 100?m. The siRNA was scaled down to siUSP21#1 only. (D) Quantification the number of deceased cells. n.s., not significant; **p?p? MDS1-EVI1 USP21 manifestation and USP21\CA manifestation in inducing cell death (Number?3C,D). These data demonstrate that USP21 promotes cell proliferation via its deubiquitinating active site. Open in a separate window Number 3 USP21 promotes cell proliferation via Cys\221. (A) Overexpression of GFP\Vector, GFP\USP21, and GFP\USP21\C221A in SU\DHL\4 cells. (B) Cell proliferation of SU\DHL\4 cells transfected with GFP\Vector, GFP\USP21, and GFP\USP21\C221A were measured by CCK8 assay. (C) Representative images of Propidium Iodide (PI)\positive cells (Red) representing deceased cells and DIC representing total cells. Level pub, 100?m. (D) Quantification of deceased.
